They say age is just a number and it’s just a state of mind. If only it was just that simple.
Once you turn 30, things begin to change. Your perspective, view of life and even your body change. But it does not all spell gloom and doom.
For instance, sex gets better, you become more established in your career, you may be starting or growing a family and it is all exciting.
However, this pivotal age comes with changes that may make you wonder what’s happening to your body. To help you age gracefully, here are a few things that go on in your body as you hit this landmark age.
- Grey hairs begin to come out
In your 20’s gray hair was nothing a tweezer couldn’t take care of. However in your 30’s, these gray hairs take over your head and plucking isn’t an option anymore. While that can be taken care of with a dye job, no one ever tells you about gray pubic hair. Unlike your head, one has to be careful how they remove these grey hairs to avoid injury.
- Weight gain
As 30s start to creep in, you will see the start of a slowing metabolism or the method by which the body turns food into energy. This means that maintaining a healthy weight may be a little bit harder but achievable with a balanced diet and getting an appropriate amount of exercise.
- Appearance of wrinkles
While this never bothered you at first, it will once you start to see some fine lines on your forehead and mouth area. While this may not be an issue, The problem is realizing you are getting older and cannot stop time.
- Decreased fertility
When you hit 30, the saying, ‘your biological clock,’ is ticking finally makes sense. Fertility begins to decrease in our 30s, especially past age 35. While many women can have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies past this mark, there are often additional health risks associated with these later pregnancies, including an increase in miscarriages. Some women even begin to see the start of perimenopause, also known as premenopause. A very personalized experience for each woman, perimenopause often includes symptoms such as irregular periods, night sweats, worsening PMS, depression, mood swings and anxiety.
In men, the sperm quality decreases with age leading older couples to have conceiving issues. There’s also an increased risk of not conceiving at all. The volume of a man’s semen and sperm motility (the ability of sperm to move toward an egg) decrease continually between ages 20 and 80, according to
- Period changes
As women hit their mid-30s, their estrogen and progesterone levels dip causing their cycle to change. This means longer or shorter, lighter or heavier, or earlier or later than usual cycle. And some women can experience perimenopause, the transitional phase before menopause as early as their late 30s. while some changes are normal, a drastic change from your normal cycle may be assign of a serious problem such as a thyroid condition.
Women, things begin to change after turning 30, discover what
Reviewed by Unknown
July 03, 2018

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