'Let them dare': Joho says he won't surrender his passport

Mombasa governor Hassan Joho with Mvita MP Abdhulswad Nassir ahead of opposition leader Raila's Odinga's swearing-in as the people's president, January 30, 2018. 
Mombasa governor Hassan Joho will not return his passport even if the government suspends it.
The governor said this on Wednesday amid the government's efforts to repress Nasa and its National Resistance Movement.
Joho noted he had not received any official communication of the suspension or revocation of the travel document.
"Even if, and when, the order is made, I will not hand it over," he told journalists, noting he learned of the government's move through the media.
Joho insisted he got his passport legally and "will resist any attempt to take that right away".
"Let them dare," he said.
The government is clamping down on Nasa hardliners involved in Raila Odinga's oath-taking at Uhuru Park on January 30. He was declared the people's president.
Fifteen passports of Raila's allies have been revoked so far.
Nasa strategist David Ndii, Siaya senator James Orengo, his former Machakos counterpart Johnson Muthama, Homa Bay woman representative Gladys Wanga and business magnate James Wanjigi are among those affected.
'Let them dare': Joho says he won't surrender his passport 'Let them dare': Joho says he won't surrender his passport Reviewed by Unknown on February 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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