Ruto, Our Choice, Our Right, declare 13 Coast MPs as Speaker gives nod for Aisha’s removal from PSC

Deputy President

At least 13 MPs from the Coast region are expected to officially cross over to Deputy President William Ruto’s camp this morning.The MPs are set to ditch opposition leader Raila Odinga and affirm their support for Mr Ruto during a meeting of the Coast Parliamentary Group.
But even as the MPs plotted their mass defection to Mr Ruto’s camp on Wednesday, word emerged that Mr Odinga’s lieutenants had made good their threat to remove Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa from the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) over her support for the DP.

Speaker of the National Assembly Justin Muturi wrote to minority whip and Suna East MP Junet Mohamed notifying him that he had received the motion for Ms Jumwa’s removal from the PSC.
“The procedure for removal of a commissioner under article 127 (2) of the Constitution is through a motion for removal of the commissioner to the House for its consideration and passage in terms of article 122 of the constitution, which is through a simple majority of the MPs in the House,” Mr Muturi stated in a letter to Mr Mohamed.
In their deliberations on Wednesday ahead of Thursday’s meeting, the Coast parliamentarians said they had resolved to shift their support to Mr Ruto.

The MPs who attended yesterday’s meeting were led by the chairman of the Coast Parliamentary Group Suleiman Dori (Msambweni), Badi Twalib (Jomvu), Sharif Ali (Lamu East), Ali Wario (Bura), Gertrude Mbeyu (Kilifi), Benjamin Dalu (Kinango), Ali Mbogo (Kisauni) and Khatib Mwashetani (Lunga Lunga).
Others included Owen Baya (Kilifi North), Stanley Mudhana (Lamu West), Lydia Haika (Taita Taveta), Paul Katana (Kaloleni) and Ali Wario (Garsen).
In their deliberations, the MPs also resolved to retain Mr Dori as their chairman. He will be deputised by Galole MP Said Buya Hiribae.
The caucus organizing secretary will now be Voi MP Jones Mlolwa and will be deputised by Ms Mbeyu.
“Mr William Ruto is the DP at the moment and we are working with him,” Mr Wario said.

“The Coastal region will walk together as a unified bloc regardless of party affiliations as we seek to improve the livelihoods of our people,” Mr Wario added.
The lawmakers said they have not received any communication from ODM regarding its intention to discipline Ms Jumwa over her stand to support DP Ruto for the 2022 presidential race.
“Aisha Jumwa is our sister and no communication has been made to us in regard to her conduct,” Mr Wario said.

Ruto, Our Choice, Our Right, declare 13 Coast MPs as Speaker gives nod for Aisha’s removal from PSC Ruto, Our Choice, Our Right, declare 13 Coast MPs as Speaker gives nod for Aisha’s removal from PSC Reviewed by Unknown on June 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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