Kingi, Jumwa considered for Ruto’s Coast go-to men

Kilifi governor Amason Kingi chats with Aisha Jumwa in past event. /FILE
Deputy President William Ruto is searching for a point man at the Coast to ensure support from the legislators.
The DP is increasingly gaining support from the region’s leaders amid disquiet from ODM, whose MPs have declared support for him. As the Coast looks to shift support to Ruto, the DP wants to ‘lock’ the support by having a trusted footsoldier.
Although, the DP is said to have a few point men at the Coast, they are still under wraps and do not want to be seen to be openly working for him since they belong to other parties. Among those said to be in consideration include governors Salim Mvurya (Kwale), Amason Kingi (Kilifi), Granton Samboja (Taita Taveta), and MPs Ali Mbogo (Kisauni), Mohammed Ali (Nyali), Suleiman Dori (Msambweni) and Aisha Jumwa (Malindi).
Coast is perceived to be an opposition zone that has consistently voted for Opposition chief Raila Odinga. Leaders known to be party loyalists are seemingly shifting allegiance to Ruto.
Speaking at Parliament Buildings on Wednesday, 12 Coast MPs reaffirmed their decision to work with Ruto. They include Dori, Mbogo, Badi Twalib (Jomvu), Benjamin Tayari (Kinango), Khatib Mwashetani (Lunga Lunga) and Owen Baya (Kilifi North).
Ruto’s political adviser Ananiah Mwaboza yesterday said he is not privy to Ruto’s plans but noted his boss wants an eloquent, educated and political veteran to be his go-to man at the Coast.
Kingi, Jumwa considered for Ruto’s Coast go-to men Kingi, Jumwa considered for Ruto’s Coast go-to men Reviewed by New Kenya News on June 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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