Is it you or them? Why people walk out of your life

life is a journey and it is full of surprises, experiences and disappointments among other things.
We all meet people daily and some will choose to stay in your life while others will walk away due to their own reasons which we cannot stop or control.
There are seasons in life. To build or to destroy. And likewise, so are our relationships and friendships.
Before you start beating yourself about broken friendships or relationships, you need to understand why people walk out of your life. It may be a fault of yours or the other person’s.
Whatever the case maybe, here are some of the not so good reasons why people come and go in your life.

  1. To change you for their own interest
Some people will come into your life to try and change you to be what they want you to be instead of what or who you want to be. When we refuse not to do things their way, they choose to leave. When this happens, don’t ever make the mistake to stop them because we all have our own lives to live. No one should define you or your destiny.
  1. To use you
Most people come in to our lives for their own selfish interests and once they achieve what they wanted, they walk away. Don’t ever allow someone into your life to use you while you do nothing. Speak up and walk away before things go out of hand.
  1. To intimidate you
Some people come in to your life to stay but once they feel threatened by your success, they begin to “bully” you as a way to put you down. It is best to let go of such negative energy and never compromise with such a person to please them.
  1. You’re not their soulmate
No matter how much you may love a person and they don’t feel the same way, they may choose to walk away. People will come into your life to see if you are compatible and when you don’t connect, it’s best to count your losses and move on. Get your priorities right and don’t jump in to another relationship quickly without healing properly or being ready.
  1. To waste your time
People come in to your life to hold you back and this applies especially if they do not have set goals and dreams that they would love to achieve. Never create time for those who would not do the same for you. Life is about compromise and team work.
Is it you or them? Why people walk out of your life Is it you or them? Why people walk out of your life Reviewed by Unknown on June 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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