This has been made possible by cyber cafés and easy accessibility of communication gadgets to our children.
According to the survey which was conducted in February, there are estimated 750,000 online individuals looking to connect with kids at any moment.
Here are a few ways on how you can protect your child from exposure and involvement in pornography:
Have access to their gadgets: As a parent, be sure to have access to your child(ren) gadgets and monitor their activities online. Be conversant with the applications (apps) they use and interact with.
Avoid pornographic material: As a parent, it goes without saying that you should lead by example. Ensure that your phone does not contain pornographic content. Also avoid consuming pornographic material in the presence of your child.
Be open with your kids: Never delegate the role of parenting to anyone. Do not assume that teachers in schools will talk to your kids about pornography and its effects. Talk to your kids and be open about it. Let them give you their views on the same. That way, your kid is able to learn the dangers of such content.
Limit/manage use of internet: As a parent, you should be able to dictate what time your kids access the internet. You should also dictate the kind of content they consume.
Installing filters in your kid’s gadgets: You can actually install filters in your child’s gadgets to prevent them from accessing pornographic materials online. However, you should make them understand why you do so otherwise they will find ways to access the material out of curiosity and beat you at your own game.
Talk to your kids about technology: Being the digital era, your kids are well versed with technology and the dangers that lurk. Tailor your points towards how technology has made it easy for people in different parts of the world to communicate. Caution them about the people they talk to through the internet.
It is not a one size fits all approach but it’s important to keep tabs on your children’s activities in order to know how to tackle the issue.
How to keep your child safe from pornographic content on the internet
Reviewed by Unknown
April 14, 2018

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