Stop Running. Arm Yourself - Miguna Miguna

Stop Running. Arm Yourself. Stand Your Ground. Fight Back
Miguna Miguna,
The Barbarians are here.
They are armed to the teeth.
They are ferocious!
They are heartless and brutal.
They are determined to keep us down, brutalised, exploited and oppressed.
They want to rule us by force!
They want to turn us into slaves!
Stop running!
Arm yourself!
Stand your ground!
Fight back!
They don’t have enough weapons and bullets to kill us all.
They don’t have enough prisons to lock us in.
They don’t have the right to keep us down.
And they don’t have enough courage to fight us.
Stop running!
Arm yourself!
Stand your ground.
Fight back!
We are more than 35 million strong. They are less than 200,000.
Stop running!
Arm yourselves!
Stand your ground!
Fight back!
Arm yourselves with revolutionary and liberating words, poems, songs, Tweets, imageries and MATHODS to fight back against those trying to curtail our speech, democratic space and civil liberties.
Stop running!
Arm yourselves!
Stand your ground!
Fight back!
Use our living Constitution, the law and courts to fight back against those perverting and subverting the Constitution and suffocating our democracy.
Stop running!
Arm yourselves!
Stand your ground!
And fight back!
Use every available legitimate means and methods to fight against the brutal police, paramilitary and vigilante formations.
Use love and righteousness to fight evil.
Fight back against those who bangled the August 8th, 2017 general and presidential elections.
Fight back against those undermining the judiciary.
Fight back against those perverting our constitution.
Fight back against those looting our resources.
Fight back against those turning our national institutions into private fiefdoms.
Fight back against those dividing us along ethnic/tribal and religious lines.
We must stop running away from them because they carry weapons.
We must stop running away from them because they shoot at us.
We must stop running away from them because they lob teargas at us.
Stand your ground!
Arm yourself!
Stop running!
Fight back!
Organise yourselves in small and large groups!
Organise yourselves in your neighbourhoods!
Organise yourselves in your work places!
Organise yourselves in schools, colleges and universities!
Organise yourselves in your villages!
Organise yourselves in your towns and cities!
Stop running!
Arm yourselves!
Stand your ground!
And fight back!
Whether you are employed or unemployed, the Barbarians are coming for you.
Stop running!
Fight back!
Whether you are young or old, the Barbarians are coming for you.
Stop running!
Fight back!
Whether you are an ethnic majority or minority, the Barbarians are coming for you.
Stop running!
Fight back!
We must not cede ground for the Barbarians.
We must not cower before the Barbarians.
We must not turn the other cheek.
Say NO to despotism!
Stop running!
Arm yourselves!
Stand your ground!
Fight back!
Whether you are Luo or Mijikenda: Stop running! Arm yourself! Stand your ground! Fight back!
Whether you are Kikuyu or El Molo: Stop running! Arm yourself! Stand your ground! Fight back!
Whether you are Luhya or Maasai: Stop running! Arm yourself! Stand your ground! Fight back!
Whether you are Kamba or Abagusi: Stop running! Arm yourself! Stand your ground! Fight back!
Whether you are Turkana or Sabaot: Stop running! Arm yourself! Stand your ground! Fight back!
Whether you are Samburu or Somali: Stop running! Arm yourself! Stand your ground! Fight back!
Whether you are Kabras or Kuria: Stop running! Arm yourself! Stand your ground! Fight back!
Whether you are Pokot or Kipsigis: Stop running! Arm yourself! Stand your ground! Fight back!
Whether you are Nandi or Pokomo: Stop running! Arm yourself! Stand your ground! Fight back!
Whether you are Kuria or Turgen: Stop running! Arm yourself! Stand your ground! Fight back!
Whether you are Iteso or Ole Sapuk: Stop running! Arm yourself! Stand your ground! Fight back!
Whatever your ethnicity, race, gender or age: The Barbarians are coming for you!
They may be armed but we outnumber them!
We have a right and duty to respect, uphold and defend the Constitution!
We have a duty to defend our democracy!
Stop running!
Arm yourselves!
Stand your ground!
Fight back!
Dr. Miguna Miguna is a Kenyan Freedom Fighter!
Stop Running. Arm Yourself - Miguna Miguna Stop Running. Arm Yourself - Miguna Miguna Reviewed by Unknown on March 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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